allied integra
allied integra builds and construct
We develop
We furnish
Allied Integra Resourcing
We build and construct
Build and Construct
We Develop
Real Estate Development
We Furnish
Investment Consultancy
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We Build Your Vision

We are experienced in structuring public, and private partnerships within the real estate market and deliver added value through flexible, creative, and careful design. All our developments are undertaken with a strong emphasis on quality design, exquisite finish, risk control, proactive management, and adequate returns to our partners.

We place great value on integrity, professionalism, hard work, and the many valuable relationships we have been fortunate to develop over the years. We are committed to deliverability and making a long-term contribution to the communities wherein we are active.

Integra Allied Resourcing (Nig) Ltd is well placed and balanced for sustained, steady growth.

234 807-336-7120

property development

Our Recent Projects

We build and construct, we develop, we furnish. Our projects cut across various government parastatals.